Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Ethics & Health Law News

Hi Medical
Here are 10 recent entries from the Ethics & Health Law News website. The website is updated daily, and more posts can be found online at ehln.org
New Stories

Odisho v Bonazzi [2014] VSCA 11 (18 February 2014)

Supreme Court of Victoria – Court of Appeal, 18 February 2014JUDGES: NETTLE, BEACH JJA and McMILLAN AJAPer BEACH JA & McMILLAN AJA:" …Introduction5. On 17 April 2006, Grazilda Odisho, the appellant, was taken to the Royal Melbourne Hospital with symptoms that were subsequently diagnosed as (...)


Health situation in Syria

Director-General of the World Health Organization, Dr Margaret Chan, 25 February 2014"In her briefing to members of the United Nations General Assembly, WHO Director-General Dr Margaret Chan described the immense suffering of the Syrian people in the context of a once-excellent health system that has now collapsed. She (...)


Food labels are about informing choice, not some nanny state

The Conversation, online 26 Febraury 2013Authors: Mark Lawrence, Christina Pollard"Coalition MP Ewen Jones has spoken out against reinstating the health star rating website controversially closed down by the assistant health minister. Jones says the government shouldn't interfere with people's lives, but food labelling requirements aren'(...)


GMC welcomes support to check language skills of European doctors

GMC press release 25 February 2013"Plans for new language checks on European doctors have received strong support. Following a consultation by the General Medical Council (GMC), the new checks are expected to come into force this summer. Under current legislation, the GMC can assess overseas doctors applying to (...)


Between Rhetoric and Reality: The Ongoing Struggle to Access Healthcare in Afghanistan

MSFpress release, 25 February 2013"After more than a decade of international aid and investment, access to basic and emergency medical care in Afghanistan remains severely limited and sorely ill-adapted to meet growing needs created by the ongoing conflict, reveals a report released today by Médecins Sans Frontiè(...)


Health in austerity: hard decisions for hard times

The Lancet, Volume 383, Issue 9918, Page 670, 22 February 2014The Lancet: "Investment in health and wealth act synergistically to the benefit of both. This point is acknowledged by the Greek Government as President of the Council of the European Union, yet seems overlooked in domestic policy, where (...)


Self-requested euthanasia for children in Belgium

The Lancet, Volume 383, Issue 9918, Pages 671 – 672, 22 February 2014Authors: Bernard Dan, Christine Fonteyne, Stéphan Clément de Cléty"In the complex patient—doctor relationship, the principle of personal autonomy has gradually acquired more weight against medical paternalism, both in clinical practice and (...)


Treatment Decision Making for Incapacitated Patients: Is Development and Use of a Patient Preference Predictor Feasible?

Authors: Annette Rid and David WendlerJ Med Philos published 20 February 2014"It has recently been proposed to incorporate the use of a "patient preference predictor" (PPP) into the process of making treatment decisions for incapacitated patients. A PPP would predict which treatment option a given incapacitated patient (...)


Imposing options on people in poverty: the harm of a live donor organ market

J Med Ethics 2014;40:145-150 Published Online First: 28 June 2012 doi:10.1136/medethics-2011-100318Author: Simon Rippon"A prominent defence of a market in organs from living donors says that if we truly care about people in poverty, we should allow them to sell their organs. … (...)


The Picture of Health: Medical Ethics and the Movies

Med Law Rev (2014) doi: 10.1093/medlaw/fwu001 First published online: February 20, 2014Reviewer: Dov Greenbaum"The use of popular media is not novel in the teaching of ethics, nor is the use of film and/or television as a tool for engaging the audience especially innovative.(...)


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